Lab: Create your own website!

Basic structure of Quarto document

We are going to create a website using a Quarto. Quarto documents are a mix of natural language and executed code and this pattern is called literate programming. A Quarto document usually contains:

  • Text formatted in Markdown.
  • Code is fenced as code chunk between ```{r} and ```.
  • Metadata as YAML with the format key: value. You can find metadata in the header of the document fenced by ---, or in code chunks starting with #|.
title: "Untitled"
format: html

## Quarto

Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into
a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <>.

#| label: calculation

1 + 1


  • Open your workspace:
  • Create index.qmd.
  • Click the “Render” button on top.
  • Download the output directory _site.
  • Open Netlify Drop:
  • Drag and drop the downloaded _site onto Netlify Drop.
  • Post the link to your website in the comments below or on our Padlet:
